Unreal to Unity Exporter
The Unreal to Unity Exporter is a powerful tool that can help you save time and effort when converting your Unreal Engine projects to Unity.
It is an unreal plugin that will export complete Unreal levels to Unity. It simplifies the conversion of LODs, collision shapes, actor placement, decals, spline meshes, skinned meshes, terrain, materials & textures.
If you’ve ever dreamed of transferring your detailed work from Unreal to Unity without losing crucial elements, look no further.
SkeletalMesh+Animation Tutorial
Supported Unreal Versions :
- 5.0-5.5, 4.27
Supported Unity versions :
Built in pipeline : Unity 2019.4 or newer
URP : Unity 2021.2.7 or newer ( URP 11.0 or newer )
HDRP : Unity 2021.2.7 or newer ( HDRP 11.0 or newer )
Supported Unreal Platforms : Windows, MacOS
- certain materials will not look 100% like in Unreal, one aspect being the smoothness curve, and a few others containing exotic material nodes
- for terrain you need to first select the ConvertLandscapesToStaticMeshes option.
- if for any reason you have shader compilation errors give me an e-mail at relativegames7@gmail.com
- light intensities will not match exactly
- creates prefabs for instanced meshes for easier editing
What doesn't get exported :
- cloth
- exotic material nodes that I haven't fixed yet
- particle emitters
- wind modifiers
- subsurface scattering
- tessellation
- terrain with over ~30 million polygons as the FBX exporter will crash.
- RuntimeVirtualTextures
- Grass feature
- Clouds feature
- Level Sequences
2025 Edition
- Support for updates and new UE versions throughout 2025
Here's a few sample projects exported with this plugin :
Fantasy Village
In case you're wondering about the legality of transferring assets from Unreal, the Unreal Engine FAQ says
"In fact, you can use assets created and/or modified in Unreal Engine in other video game engines without incurring any royalty obligation, provided that those assets don’t use or rely on Unreal Engine code and are not UE-Only Content provided by Epic"
If you encounter any problem, don't hesitate to contact me at relativegames7@gmail.com !
Or perhaps you're interested in my AssetDowngrader for Unreal ? :https://relativegames.gumroad.com/l/ue5assetdowngrader